Saturday, July 30, 2011


I have this (cardboard-type) poster I bought when I was young. I’ve actually kept it all these years and always had it hanging on the wall so that I’d see it often. It’s a picture of the setting sun that’s reflected in the water over a sailboat. The sky is deep red and there are mountains in the horizon. Tree branches outline the corners. There’s a Bible passage on the poster. I’ve read it countless times, but it never really made any sense to me:

“The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7 – NKJV)

It was just a pretty picture on a poster with words that I’d repeatedly see and read.

When Jesus spoke in parables to the crowds, He stated: “… ‘Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.’ ” (Mark 4:9 -- NLT)

Why didn’t I understand? Ears to hear? I am not deaf. Understand? Why was I so dim to the meaning of this Bible passage?

God’s Word tells us: “Yes, even today when they read Moses’ writings, their hearts are covered with the veil, and they do not understand. But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:15-17 – NLT)

I was so full of fears growing up. Those fears stayed with me into adulthood. I didn’t have any freedom.

Yet, there is freedom from fear, according to God’s Word. There is freedom to have peace in the midst of a storm. How?

“Our faith overcomes our fears.” (The origin of this statement is credited to “The Truth Project” from Focus on the Family.)

This is true faith in the Lord, our God. Faith in believing in Jesus Christ who died for our sins to give us eternal life; the faith that is a matter of the heart, much more than the mind! Yet God’s Word says Jesus will give us peace and it is for our hearts and our mind.

The Bible says: "Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, as [in] the day of trial in the wilderness… (Psalm 95:8 – NKJV)

“For there your ancestors tested and tried My patience, even though they saw everything I did.” (Psalm 95:9 – NLT)

God performed all kinds of miracles for the Israelites, yet having to wait for the “Promised Land” and endure trials began to harden many hearts to the Lord of those waiting in the desert.

When we are patient and faithful, and when we do not harden our hearts to God, then His love will melt away our fears, and those fears are replaced with His peace.

This peace is beyond our understanding. After I began reading the Bible myself, I also finally looked up the passage of scripture from my poster. I found the word “surpasses” instead of “passeth.” The peace of Jesus surpasses or exceeds human comprehension.

His peace fills our “hearts” and our “minds” through Jesus Christ!

My fears totally subsided and the peace of God took a rightful place in my life. I didn’t need to be afraid anymore. God was on my side and His peace is so wonderful. I had finally allowed God to put His truth into my mind and His peace into my heart. It was simple! Open your mind and your heart to Him today.

Now on the other hand, when my circumstances begin to whittle away at my peace, even to this day, I must turn to prayer. Personally, I also seek fellow Christians to pray for me, too, because we are told to pray for one another. We must pray because:

“The thief's [the devil’s or the enemy’s] purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My [God’s/Jesus’] purpose is to give them [meaning us] a rich and satisfying life.” — John 10:10 (NLT)

Fears don’t produce a rich or satisfying life. Christ’s peace gives will give us both!

Until we virtually meet again, may God call you to Himself.

God’s Word for Today: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” — John 14:27 (NKJV)

Copyright © 2011 by Patricia Shehan

1 comment:

  1. Brings to mind Acts 17:25...Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns while in prison.

    Good stuff Patty! Peace to you sister!!
